I read somewhere that September is the new January - another opportunity to start fresh. Routines are solidifying and everyone has something to do and I am certainly seeking ways to follow through with my personal and family tasks in a much more effective manner.
I had a plan for what my happiness project for September would be and then I had a total paradigm shift that left me kind of grasping for goals that would better fit my current needs and help me grow in ways that are absolutely necessary at this time.
As a preface to my explanation of how I came to decide upon my goals, I will tell you that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (yep, like Mitt). On the first Sunday of each month, we have the opportunity to fast - go without meals or drinks for 2-3 meals and donate the money we would have spent on those meals to a fund set aside specifically for the needy. Fasting is difficult, but always provides me with wonderful insight that I doubt I would have received otherwise. Today I fasted for some specific guidance and throughout the day continued to hear the scripture "...by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." I still haven't found out specifically what that means - perhaps just that I don't need to do anything grandiose to improve myself, rather small and simple things.
So, here are my goals for the month of September:
Read scriptures daily
I do set aside time for it each day in my OCD day planning, but never seem to actually sit down and do it. It really does enrich my life when I make the time for it. I'm more in tune with myself and with the spirit and can just seem to handle life better.
See people/situations as they are
I have the problem with internalizing/projecting my feelings. When I feel a certain way about my self (ex: disappointed), I immediately assume that everyone else does, too. When I don't particularly like myself or think I look fat, I think everyone else feels the same way, piling on the misery. Really, this is my number one problem in life. I don't see things as they are, I see them a I am (see more here). I know that I can stop doing this - it just takes a lot of self-control.
I also want to see the best in the people around me - to recognize that each and every person is a child of God and give them the benefit of the doubt that they are trying to do their very best.
Love with patience and optimism
Everyone deserves a little patience. I need to count to 10 more and give the people around me a chance before casting judgment, as mentioned above. I also need to stop allowing myself to focus on the negative. Not only does it make me feel icky, but I know it pushes people away. I will start conversations on a positive note. If I have something negative to say, I'll say 3 positive things first.
Be open - don't control - allow things to happen in their own way
When things get stressful, I become a control freak. I try to perfectly orchestrate things so that nothing can go awry. Unfortunately, keeping such tight reigns on my life is not only exhausting, but also takes the magic out of living. Wonderful things happen on their own all of the time when you're not forcing things along. You're able to experience a little whimsy and sometimes the best memories come out of spontaneity. Also, when I loosen the reigns, I allow the Lord to have more of a hand in my life and allow Him to lead me on the paths that will make me into a better me - that make my weaknesses strengths.
I will keep tabs via my own little accountability chart to remind me to do these things each day and hope that these goals will make me a happier, more edified me next month at this time.
I also want to record on this blog my Intuitive Eating process, but will hold off on that for another post. It's going to be separate from my happiness project, but just as important.
Happy September!
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