Thursday, August 15, 2013

365 Days of Kindness

So, today I was feeling down - really down. I thought and thought and thought about what I could do to cheer myself up and finally came to the conclusion that the best way for me to be happier is to stop thinking about myself...

"OK," I thought, "I'll practice 30 days of random acts of kindness," and felt very satisfied. "Why stop at 30?" a little voice asked me. "If you really want to make a change, why don't you go for 365 days of kindness?" I couldn't come up with a good reason not to. So, here I go!

In an effort to better myself and make a bunch of people randomly happy, I am going to practice an act of kindness every day for 365 days and document each one here. (They won't be random - I'm a planner, can't do things l8ike this off the cuff, you know.)

So, I sat down during my lunch break and made a plan. "I'll start tomorrow," I thought. "Why wait for tomorrow? Start today!" That pesky voice was back. And, again, I had no good answer, so I started today.

My first random act was actually inspired by something that happened to my husband. He found a dollar bill taped to the vending machine for him to use. He was delighted. And, it was a quick, simple start to my year of kindness, so why not?

Here's to the start of a project that I hope will be life-changing... and to cheering up a lot of strangers. :)
BTW - I got that super-nifty printable HERE.

1 comment:

  1. That is so fantastic! You're going to love this. I always feel good when I'm giving and this is definitely a part of giving. I bet you'll have a huge smile on your face each time you do it. Hopefully, it will spread and make the whole world think about and act on 'kindness'.
    Love you,
