Tuesday, August 27, 2013

365 Days of Kindness - Days 3-12

The last couple of weeks have been so busy - my little girl had her tonsils and adenoids removed and  I was working hard to get everyone ready for school. I've still practiced my acts of kindness every day, but haven't had the time to document everything. So, here's a quick, not-as-dolled-up-as-I-would-like list of what I've done:

Day 3 - I woke up early and got outside and cleaned our family van (my husband is the primary driver and uses it often for home-improvement projects). I vacuumed, scrubbed, wiped, you name it - the whole process took me three hours and it went from grimy and icky to shiny and pristine. And, it was all done before he woke up. I never mentioned to him how I had spent my morning and when he went to run an errand later in the day was very surprised by his clean van. It made him really happy and he's mentioned it several times since. :)

Day 4 - I wrote anonymous letters to a couple of sweet friends, letting them know how special they are and how much I appreciate them.

Day 5 - I drove with kindness. I know that may sound kind of hokey, but driving through rush hour in Utah is no walk in the park. I'll just leave it at that... This was the perfect day for it, too because I drove through an accident that had a rolled over truck on my left and a fire on my right (I know, right?!). I was super-courteous and my experience through the traffic accident was very easy because of it. And, it left me in an overall great mood for the day - it's amazing how much driving stress is our own fault.

Day 6 - I set aside special time to play with my daughter. She hadn't been feeling well and her most favorite thing in the world is hanging out with me. I was glad to do it. I really should do it more often.

Day 7 - I left a Dt. Coke for a friend who had been out for an entire week and was sure to have a stressful full day back to work.

Day 8 - I donated school supplies to a local organization that was providing the supplies to under-privileged children in our area.

Day 9 - I smiled at everyone I passed. I often get discouraged by the lack of smiling here. I grew up in Texas where, when you smile, the person you smile at smiles back (or smiles at you first). I'm kind of spoiled in the way I expect everyone to be happy to see everyone. Here in Utah, it's a little different. I have often smiled at people and gotten the "I wish you would die," look. I try to remind myself that what they are giving has nothing to do with me, but it's still not pleasant. So, I went out of my way to smile at everyone - to pass on the cheer.

Day 10 - A little different - it was a kindness to the sad animals who never get played with at PetSmart. I took my kids - who LOVE animals - to play with the kitties. We held a few and the kids played with all of them and the kitties really, really appreciated it.

Day 11 - I left an encouraging note for a friend who looked like she was having a rough day.

Day 12 - I surprised my kids with a trip to their favorite ice cream shop for an after-the-first-day-of-school treat. They LOVED it and were so happy to spend some time there - it gave us a great opportunity to talk about their first day (and the owner gave them free waffle crisps - it pays to be cute!).

Phew! Caught up! In other news, my husband and I will be starting a Biggest Loser challenge (with real money involved - talk about incentive!) on Sunday. Any pointers out there? I want to win this baby!!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so well with the Kindness Days. So proud of you. Biggest Losers? I thought that was for people who were fat. It's gotta be for something else because neither one of you are fat. Good luck, whatever it is. Love you, Mom
