Friday, August 16, 2013

365 Days of Kindness - Day Two

Today's little act of kindness occurred at Old Navy and was so cool! I took my kids with me so we could exchange a few things and get a few more. My kids always beg for a quarter to get a ball from one of their ball machines, so I told them that we were going to put a quarter in the machine for someone else - and they loved the idea.

We moved on to look at some shoes close by and almost immediately heard a little one begging for a ball. An entire family headed for the ball machine and there was immediate confusion, "There's already a quarter in it." "Does it belong to someone else?" "What do we do?" Then the dad picked up the note I left behind and read it to his kids. (This entire time I'm trying to act like I'm not paying attention, pointing several different items out to my daughter, but really listening.)
The next thing that happened just made my day. The dad walked over to my son and gave him a quarter and handed me the note and said, "Someone left this in the ball machine. I wanted to pass the favor along." Such a great lesson for my children. They gave selflessly and had an almost immediate return. Of course, it won't always happen this way, but what a great thing for them to see on their first attempt of random kindness.
I did, in turn, put another quarter back along with the note. And, the best part was that as we got home and put their new school clothes away they weren't wrapped up in their new things, they wondered with excitement whether or not someone had gotten the second quarter with the note.

1 comment:

  1. I know the kids loved that. It's a great lesson to teach them too. Maybe they'll go to school and figure out how to do an act of kindness there. That would be cool. You should put the act of kindness on fb so lots of people can read them and think about doing it themselves.
    Love you,
